North Central Chapter, Health Physics Society
Minutes of the Business Meeting April 5, 2002
College Alumni Center Auditorium
Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI

Called to order at 12:45 p.m. by Greg Smith, NCCHPS President.

  1. The Chapter recognized and thanked the Affiliate Members who sponsored the Spring Meeting:
  2. The Fall Meeting minutes from the VA Hospital were distributed by e-mail and posted on the website. Copies of the minutes were also available at the meeting. The minutes were accepted with no corrections.
  3. The Secretary/Treasurer's report was presented.
    As of April 3, 2002:
    Checking: $3,156.31
    Money Market Fund: $14,487.04
    Total NCCHPS Funds: $17,643.35

    Membership Data:
    113 Full Members
    5 New members since last fall
    13 Emeritus Members
    1 Student Member
    18 Affiliate Members
    2 New Affiliate members since last fall
    73% (81 members) have paid 2002 dues
    34% (43 members) Voted in election
  4. Mike Lewandowski presented the Affiliate Member Report. Two new affiliate members were approved since last fall raising the affiliate member count to 18. Jerry Merritt is the new contact for Image Technology.
  5. The Executive Committee decided to re-establish a newsletter on the website and will poll the membership for an individual who would be willing to step forward and take on this task. This person would work with our web page administrator, Mike Lewandowski, on the publication and display of the electronic newsletter. It is felt that this person should be willing to do some compiling, writing, calling of members for articles and gathering of other materials.
  6. The Executive Council approved five new individual memberships and two affiliate memberships received in the last six months. The new members are; Andy Astleford, U of M; Nancy Farrington, Iowa DPH; Catherine Knox, Parker Hughes Institute; Claudiu Lungu, U of M; and Mark Reinhart, LTC. The new affiliates are Framatome ANP, Inc. - Siemens Environmental Systems and Lakeshore Technical College.
  7. Four Continuing Education Credits were awarded to the fall meeting under Course No. 2001-09-003 by the ABHP. Brian Vetter has applied for the spring meeting credits.
  8. The Chapter recognized the spring meeting hosts; Kimberly Knight and Marcum Martz of the Medical College of Wisconsin.

Old Business

  1. The Records Retention Committee has completed their tasks. The outgoing president will forward annual records to Oak Ridge at the completion of the fall meeting.
  2. Julie Olson of Mitchell High School, Mitchell, SD, received our Science Teacher award. The Mitchell High School science department received a $500.00 gift because of this award. Ms. Olson was unable to attend our spring meeting. Her name will be submitted to the HPS for nomination for the National Award. Irene Patrek discussed the selection process and the need for us to find nominees. Organization of Science Teacher Workshops (STWs) is proceeding slowly. Some members have been provided with local science teacher contacts. Old civil defense instruments are available to the chapter for STWs but we need to decide how many and there are storage issues.
  3. North Central Chapter Award guidelines written by Past-President Pete Wildenborg are now posted on the website and are on file with the Secretary/Treasurer.

New Business

  1. The Executive Council is supporting various nominations for national HPS awards and offices. Award nominees include, John R. Cameron for a Fellows award and Chuck Roessler for a Founders award. Mike Lewandowski has been nominated for an executive board position and Stephen A. Simpson has been nominated for Secretary/Treasurer of the RSO Section.
  2. Ballots received for the 2002 election were counted. Our new President-Elect is Irene Patrek, and our new Councilors are Jeff Brunette and Tim Donakowski.
  3. The 2002 Fall Meeting will be held in the greater Twin Cites area. The location is yet to be determined.

Other Business

The Executive Council formed an Ad Hoc Committee on Homeland Security. A discussion on Homeland Security issues and how we can assist the national ensued. Ken Kerns will chair the committee and interested members should contact Ken.

The meeting adjourned at 1:30 pm.
Respectfully Submitted,
Daniel J. McGrane, NCCHPS Secretary/Treasurer